Blessed Aloysius Stepinac
Croatian Catholic Mission
Serving the Croatian Community in Chicago since 1972

Logo Design by Francis Penavic

Religious Education students are prepared to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation in Grade 8. They must have completed the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist.
Children are to be enrolled in religious education classes the year prior to the year of sacramental reception as a norm. This means if a child is to celebrate Confirmation in Grade 8, they are to be enrolled in Grade 7. The same holds true for the other sacraments. Parents must show proof of the child’s baptism and other sacraments that have been received.
All students must be registered in our Religious Education Program and must have a completed registration form on file with our parish office. Please register in person at the parish office anytime from Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM. Please print and fill out the form (click here for PDF) and bring it with you to the parish office for registration.
If your child attends a Catholic school and would like to celebrate the Sacrament at Blessed Aloysius Stepinac Mission, please consult with the priest. For questions, call the parish office: 773-262-0535.
The religious education program follows a recognized curriculum that is in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. A variety of texts, including supplementary materials approved for use in religious education, are used at the various grade levels. Questions or suggestions, call our office.
Classes begin in September at 11:45a-12:30p in the parish classroom. Please check with the parish office regarding the schedule.
A tuition fee is required for each family. Our religious instructors will let you konw what the fee will be. Please make your checks payable to Blessed Aloysius Stepinac Mission.
All students are to be regular and punctual in attendance. If a child misses classes frequently without a valid reason, the Director of Religious Education and catechist will ask to meet with the parents to address the issue. In addition, children are expected to attend both Sunday Liturgy and classes on a consistent basis. This is the only way they will be able to connect and comprehend the material(s) presented in class.
Baptismal Certificate
If the Confirmation candidate was baptized at Blessed Aloysius Stepinac Mission, we have his/her baptismal certificate on file. If the Confirmation candidate was baptized elsewhere, you will need to provide us with a copy of the baptismal certificate. All baptismal certificates are due within the first 30 days after classes begin.
Sacrament Form
Each Confirmation candidate must complete a Sacrament Form. Sacrament forms will be distributed later in the program year.
Confirmation Sponsor
Each candidate should choose a sponsor who is at least sixteen years of age, who is a confirmed Catholic, and who is not one’s own parent. Sponsors can be either male or female; a sponsor need not be the same sex as the candidate.
Confirmation Speeches
Each Confirmation candidate will publicly declare his/her intention to be confirmed. The speeches will be delivered at a Confirmation meeting on a date to be announced later in the program year.
Confirmation Interview
Each Confirmation candidate will be interviewed by either a teacher or an administrator at our parish Religious Education Program. This will enable the candidate to articulate the process he/she has gone through in his/her preparation for Confirmation.
Confirmation Rehearsal
The First Confirmation Rehearsal will take place prior to the celebration. Our religious instructors will have further details on the date and time.
The celebration of Confirmation will take place in Spring at a neighborhood Chicago parish. Our religious instructors will have further details on the date and time.