Blessed Aloysius Stepinac
Croatian Catholic Mission
Serving the Croatian Community in Chicago since 1972

Logo Design by Francis Penavic

Our Mission
Mass Schedule
Welcome, and thank you for visiting Blessed Aloysius Stepinac Mission. We have been serving the Croatian community of Chicago since 1972. Please feel free to read more about our church, our community and our spiritual devotion on this site, or come in for a visit.
Click HERE to read more about the historic things to see in our church.
We, the Catholic Community of Blessed Aloysius Stepinac Mission, are a family united by faith in Jesus Christ.
Embracing our baptismal call, we journey together on our pilgrimage of faith to bring about the promise of God's Kingdom in our midst.
We celebrate a Franciscan spirit and Croatian heritage that have enriched our parish throughout its long history.
Our church offers a traditional setting for your most sacred celebration.

Weekly Mass:
7:00pm (in Croatian)
Saturday Mass
6:00pm (in Croatian)
Sunday Mass:
9:00 AM (in English)
10:30 AM (in Croatian)
Special requests and Mass in English can be offered at other times. Additional services will be announced in our handout bulletin and on our website.

Latest News
Read more about our events in the current church bulletin. Click Here
Things to See
Built in 1905, our church reflects both historic and modern elements of Catholicism. Click here for more.
Get Involved!
Join our church board or become a volunteer for our special events. Send us an email.
Show your support and donate to our parish. Contact our parish for ways on how to donate.

Upcoming events...
WEEKLY ADORATION: Weekly, every Wed @ 630pm - Rosary club meets for Adoration
CROATIAN CATHOLIC RADIO: Weekly Croatian-language radio, every Saturday from 10am-11am on WNDZ 750AM. For requests, call St. Jerome's Croatian Church: 312-842-1871 or send an email.
ADVERTISE IN OUR WEEKLY BULLETIN: Feature your business in our weekly bulletin. Contact us for rates and other information.